Saturday, December 02, 2006
Tom Dick and Harry And The Toilet Brush
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Making Love
Johnnie Johnnie
Slowest Clock?
The New Wifey
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Parrot Trouble With New Girls
The homeowner was delighted with the way Peter had done all the paintwork on his house.
"You did a great job," he said as he handed Peter his fees. "Also, in order to thank-you, here's an extra 500 bucks to take the wife out to dinner and a movie."
Peter declined, saying, "No, I can't accept that."
"I insist," said the man. "It would make me very happy if you do it."
"Well," said Peter reluctantly, but with appreciation, "If you really don't mind it, I'll do it."
Later that night, the doorbell rang and it was Peter, standing there in clean clothes, holding a bouquet of flowers.
Thinking that Peter had forgotten something he asked, "What's the matter, did you leave something behind?"
"Nope," replied Peter. "I'm just here to take the wife out to dinner and a movie like you asked."
Friday, October 13, 2006
Dispute Over Fish Oil Gets Smoky Hot
It appears that fish oil prevents second heart attacks but primarily in Europe. It has become the usual practice over there to prescribe purified fish oil to patients who have had a heart attack. Their longevity increases through the likely benefit of preventing future heart attacks.
But in the U. S. fish oil, as a rich source of omega-3, hasn't been given nearly as much of an opportunity to benefit our cardiovascular systems, at least, not the prescription-grade of the fishy substance known by the brand name of Omacor, which is, among other tidy benefits, mercury-free.
Now, the dispute has gotten smoky hot.
We read such notices as, "Most cardiologists here are not giving omega-3's, even though the data supports it. There's a real disconnect," said Dr. Terry Jacobson, a cardiologist at Emory University in Atlanta. "They have been very slow to incorporate the therapy."
It appears, in fact, that if a prescription is sent to many a health insurance company in the USA that calls for Omacor, the patient receives a note that it's not covered and generic fish oil is recommended as a relatively inexpensive substitute. Only trouble is, of course, the OTC varieties are not as reliably pure or concentrated.
With more and more studies demonstrating the benefits of fish oil, the question is, when will American medicine finally get hooked?Why Are The Most Successful Electric Cars On Mars?
Think about the Mars Rovers Opportunity and Spirit, the solar-powered vehicles that were designed to carry on for ninety days of Martian exploration but have now gone ten times that long - and are still going and going. Witness the great shots Opportunity just sent back from the edge of the Victoria crater.
In fact, when you think about them, you realize these golf-cart-size wonders seem to be cleverer than any electric car roving the surface of the earth. Somehow they just keep powering along, even in an environment that seems quite a bit more hostile even than driving in New York City.
So here's to the twin Rovers. May they continue their revealing trek across the red planet.
And may someone in Detroit ask, Why are the most successful electric cars on Mars?To Pierce or not to Pierce?
Diogenes was by no means an ordinary chap. Not at all! He was a bit of a conservative philosopher, although with a sense of humor, and he was convinced that he had a "calling", very much like the mission of the original Diogenes from the barrel. Had he lived during the Hellenistic period, he, no doubt, would have been noticed and, perhaps, celebrated. But now, in the 21st century, when common sense has been replaced with individual sense and universal values have been substituted with personal "values", Diogenes was rejected as a misanthropist. Yet, his heart was full of love and compassion for fellow humans, but who would believe him?
During Christmas' week of 2005 he had visited London and spent a lot of time walking in areas like Soho, Oxford Circus and Piccadilly Circus. He wasn't interested in shopping. He couldn't afford much, anyway. But he was interested in studying people by looking at their faces, the way they dressed and the manner they spoke. He was stricken in particular by some youngsters' "forky" hairstyle - sometimes pink, sometimes yellow - and their profound body piercing. Oh, how did he wish that he could stand up in one of those crowded places and preach a sensible message to the masses! He envied some street "evangelists" who were fervently inviting people to be "saved", bravely ignoring the mocking and the hostile glances of passers by.
So, how could he deliver his message - a critical view of body piercing? Well, "where there is a will there is a way", the saying goes. And the best way of delivering his message would be through a certain discussion board in which he had been posting in the previous year under a different name. Besides, posting his view in a discussion forum was, at least, physically safe. He wouldn't be in danger of being beaten up, except verbally. So, upon his return to Bristol he got ready for preaching on the board. Here is his first post:
"Hello everybody and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you!
I have been thinking of making some new-year resolutions tonight, and one of these is about body piercing. To PIERCE or not to PIERCE??? This is the big question to which I am agonizing to give the right answer. You see, I wear a ponytail and this usually goes well with earrings, at least half a dozen of them on each ear. Doesn't it?
But as I was contemplating about this, I thought, once my ears are pierced then my nose will get jealous and will want to be pierced, too. And then my eyebrows, my lips, and my tongue will expect to be pierced so as to not look out of fashion. Going further down on my body, I realized that my nipples should not be left out of fashion, neither should my navel. They, too, should be pierced!
Then I came to my very intimate parts at the top of my legs and, as I was tenderly touching them, I wondered if the ultimate fashion of piercing should reach them as well. Should I pierce my precious vital organ or not, I wondered... And if I did, would this make the penetration to narrow passages hard? Difficult question, isn't it?
Oh, just thinking about it felt as a nightmare! Was it the fear of pain that made me shivering? But, there again, 'no pain, no gain', I reckoned... Would the pain justify the gain? I wondered! 'I must be brave!' I said to myself. 'I should not be a coward! I must overcome this ugly fear, which tries to keep me out of fashion!' Perhaps, I thought, there might be some people in this board with a few holes in their bodies, who could encourage me to make this great new-year resolution.
Could anyone advise me: to pierce or not to pierce? And if I pierced, what pleasure shall I derive from it? Would I be happier? More acceptable by modern society, more fun to be with? What would I gain from going through this pain? A lot of serious questions that demand an answer... Is there anyone in this board who could answer all or, at least, some of these questions, please? And if you come back to me, could you please indicate under your name: 'pierced', or 'not pierced', accordingly? This way I will be able to evaluate your answers. Because it is different when the answer comes from experience than from observation or prejudice.
Oh, by the way, does any one know where this fashion came from? Which people, in which country, at what year the first brave pierced man or woman appeared? Looking forward to your answers. Thanks! Diogenes"
The answers started pouring in immediately! Just as he had guessed, everybody took Diogenes' seriously and showed compassion. No one suspected the irony behind the questions. Here are excerpts from some of the postings:
CHARLES: "1st Piercing? Probably Neanderthals. Go get your ears done, and take it from there... If you don't like it the holes will fill back in. I've got a pierce in each ear and always wear my gold or diamond studs...Navels are nice, but not for me... Yet, make sure a qualified person does the piercing and you follow their hygiene instructions, or serious infection can result. It has to be done in a completely sterilized fashion and then you need to apply antibacterial/fungal ointment everyday for several weeks and keep the ears sterile... Good luck!"
ZIZI: "I would start out slowly, with the ears. It can get to be too much real quick and you'll look like a freak! It also is not healthy for you to be trying to heal too many piercings at the same time. Make sure you go to a professional piercer and don't have them done with a gun at the mall. I have earings (one in left lobe, 2 in right lobe and one high in the right cartilage), a tiny diamond nose stud, and a quarter-sized tattoo on my ankle that I regret. Piercings at least are reversible as long as you're not stretching them out."
BOB: "Piercing? It is a case of personal freedom. DO be aware that tongue piercing is very dangerous. Best of luck, it's all about your personal freedom.
GAYMAN: "It's all personal preference - but do remember that excessive facial piercing can reduce your employment options. I've had several piercings and many of them have healed closed (mainly because I couldn't be bothered with them anymore) and now just keep an ear pierced. When you first get it done you have a feeling that everyone is staring at you (like an ear stud REALLY makes you stand out). Tongue piercings or anything below the waist really hits my squeak buttons. Oh, and while ears do not hurt, do not believe what they tell you about anywhere else. Like tattoos, they hurt."
By now Diogenes was fed up. Surprisingly, no one had stepped in to give the answer he was expecting. So, he decided to hit back with his previous alias, i.e. Marilou - a female poster of the Board:
MARILOU: "Diogenes, Welcome to this Board but, for goodness sake, can't you think of any other resolutions for the NEW YEAR that make more sense? Oh, you of poor COMMON SENSE! How embarrassing for your name to ask such silly questions... Haven't you ever thought that we owe our wonderfully made body a bit of respect? Who are those who bring all the silly and self-destructive fashions around, and what are they after? Of course they are shrewd people who know how to make money out of fools!
My advice is to leave your body in peace! Don't make any holes on it! And, excuse me to say, try to patch up some 'holes' in your mind! Sorry to disturb you on the first day of the New Year, but really someone has to wake you up... I am also disappointed with all those who kindly advised you as to how you should proceed in making holes in your precious body. Isn't there any sober man or woman in the Board to kindly warn you out of this? Or have some missed this stupid topic?
Happy New Year to you, Diogenes! And Happy New Year to all the others, 'pierced or not pierced'! Peace and warm hugs for all, even for those who bite! Marilou"
Now Diogenes answered back to Marilou by saying: "Marilou, you are the one who BITES! At least you shouldn't do it on the first day of the year. And, listen to this: I do not accept your advices. My body belongs to me and I am free to do as I am pleased."
And, sure enough, there were many angry posters who rushed in to support him by attacking Marilou. Here is a sample:
ISABELLA: "Marilou, you spew insulting hateful bile and then wish peace and love? How about leading by example? I was impressed by your first posts. Now you've shown yourself to be judgmental, petty and mean. You are not representing your faith well. Our bodies are a temporary vessel and ours to adorn as we please. What's a little hole here & there or some artwork? If there is a god, I hope he's got bigger fish to fry. Lighten up!"
There were more postings in the same angry "spirit" and Diogenes had a good laugh at all of them. However, at the same time he was disappointed, and he couldn't help questioning about the posters' intelligence. And he still wonders what would be the best way to make his messages intelligible, when even humor didn't help...
(This is a true story)Monday, October 09, 2006
Talking Dog
Gourmet Food
Sinking Titanic
Change of Mind
Dying Husband
Playing Safe
Smart Chauffeur
Friendly Devil
Friday, September 08, 2006
Why Cola Failed In Arab
Suspicious Wife
Feeling Airsick?
Faith and Belief
Fishing The Bait
A Dog Who Talks
Monday, August 28, 2006
Michigan Temperature conversion chart
Flag Colors Represent Taxes
Backhand For Pearl Harbour
What A Fine Balance?
Recycle The Waste
India has the best of everything?
No Canoe For You
Can You Relate?
Religion Troubles
Ode to the Jewish Mother
Chinese Jews
The Quattro Trouble
Fly Home Birdies
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
This is for Internet Junkies
Delicious Peanuts
Want my job?
Mr. Good Cat!
Positive approach!
Costly Perfume
Nice excuse!
Majored In Different Fields
Drinking Horse
Spelling Bee
Loyal Wife
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Intelligent Man
Birthday Present
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Niagara Falls!!!!
Hearing aid
Fantastic !
Absent-minded professor!
Wake up man!
Borrowing The Car
A complicated breakfast order!
Dead horses!
Hats off!
Special Skills
Special Ring
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Birthday Present
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Priest’s Affair
Charlie was responsible for taking up the offerings at a local church. One Sunday, after the service, the priest counted the money and found there was less than anticipated, given the size of the congregation. He took Charlie aside and questioned him.Charlie said that he did not take any of the offerings.The priest questioned him again and again and Charlie continued to insist that he did not take any of the offerings. So, the priest told Charlie to get into the confessional, which he did.The priest then asked him again, “Charlie, did you take any of the offering?” This time, Charlie replied, “I can’t hear you.”The priest asked Charlie the same question several times and Charlie would always reply, “I can’t hear you.”Finally, the priest yelled, “CHARLIE, DID YOU TAKE ANY OF THE OFFERING?”Again, the reply was, “I can’t hear you.”The priest was now beginning to get angry, so he came out of the confessional and said to Charlie, “Trade places with me and you can ask me a question.”So, they traded places and Charlie asked, “Is it true that you and my wife are having an affair?”
To which the priest replied, “By golly, you can’t hear in here!”
Smart Husband
A married couple is driving down the interstate doing 55 mph. The husband is behind the wheel. His wife looks over at him and says, “Honey, I know we’ve been married for 15 years, but, I want a divorce.”The husband says nothing but slowly increases speed to 60 mph.She then says, “I don’t want you to try to talk me out of it, because I’ve been having an affair with your best friend, and he’s a better lover than you.”Again the husband stays quiet and just speeds up as he clenches his hands on the wheels.She says, “I want the house.” Again the husband speeds up, and now is doing 70 mph.She says, “I want the kids too.” The husband just keeps driving faster, and faster, until he’s up to 80 mph.She says, “I want the car, the checking account, and all the credit cards, too.”The husband slowly starts to veer toward a bridge overpass piling, as she says, “Is there anything you want?”The husband says, “No, I’ve got everything I need right here.”She asks, “What’s that?”
The husband replies just before they hit the wall at 90 mph, “I’ve got the airbag!”
Mouse Holes
Birthday Gift
Two guys were talking at work. “I’ve got a problem,” said the first one.”What is it?”"My wife has done it to me again. I’m supposed to buy my mother-in- law a present for her birthday, from the two of us. And, I am fresh out of ideas. I mean, it’s HER mother, why can’t she buy it?”"What did you buy her last year?” the other one asked.”Last year I bought her a VERY EXPENSIVE cemetery plot.”"Hmmmm…, hard to top that one,” said the other.The two guys couldn’t come up with anything. So the son-in-law didn’t buy his mother-in-law anything for her birthday.When the big day arrived the next weekend, she was a bit upset. At the family gathering for her birthday, she announced out loud to everyone, “Thank you all for the wonderful gifts. Too bad my daughter and son-in-law weren’t so thoughtful!”
Thinking quickly, the son-in-law responded, “Well, you haven’t used the gift I gave you last year!”
Blind Golfers
Safe Custody
Golf Clubs?
Habits Die Hard
Tree Hazard
Desire To Steal
Wet Dreams
Too Late
One Liner Jokes
• We sleep in separate rooms, we have dinner apart, we take separate vacations–we’re doing everything we can to keep our marriage together
• Mother: So, you want to become my son-in-law?Boy: Not really, but I don’t see any other way to marry your daughter
• Two women were talking about their new milkman.First: He’s very good looking, punctual & dresses so smartly.And so quickly too!, said the other.
• Tom and Dick were walking in the highlands then suddenly Tom fell down a deep hole. Dick: Are you ok? Tom: Fine thanks! Dick: Did you break anything? Tom: No, there’s nothing down here!
• An old: Doc, I think I’m getting senile. Several times lately, I have forgotten to zip up. Doc: That’s not senility. Senility is when you forget to zip down.
• Boss: We are very keen on cleanliness. Did you wipe your feet on the mat as you came in? New employee: Yes, sir. Boss: We are also keen on truthfulness. There is no mat.
• It isn’t widely known, but the first toilet seat was invented by an Irish scientist in the 18th century. The invention was later modified by an English inventor who put a hole in the seat.
• John always leave an empty milk carton in the refrigerator just in case someone wants their coffee black.
• Guide: I welcome u all to the Niagra falls. These are the world’s largest waterfalls & the sound intensity of the waterfall is so high, sound of even 20 supersonic planes passing can’t b heard! Now may I request the ladies to keep quiet so that we can hear the Niagra Falls??
Super Computer
The Super Computer stood at the end of the Computer Company’s production line. At which point the guided tour eventually arrived. The salesman stepped forward to give his prepared demo.
“This”, he said, “is the Super Computer. It will give an intelligent answer to any question you may care to ask it”.
At which a Clever Guest stepped forward - there is always one - and spoke into the Computer’s microphone.”Where is my father?” he asked.There was a whirring of wheels and flashing of lights that the manufacturers always use to impress lay people, and then a little card popped out.
On it were printed the words: Fishing off Goa.
Clever Guest laughed.”Actually”, he said, “My father is dead”!
It had been a tricky question! The salesman, carefully chosen for his ability to think fast on his feet, immediately replied that he was sorry the answer was unsatisfactory, but as computers were precise, perhaps he might care to rephrase his question and try again?
Clever Guest thought, went to the Computer and this time said, “Where is my mother’s husband?”
Again there was a whirring of wheels and a flashing of lights. And again a little card popped out. Printed on it were the words, “Dead. But your father is still fishing off Goa.”
Psychic Chat
A woman went to the local psychic in hopes of contacting her dearly departed grandmother.
The psychic’s eyelids begin fluttering and she begins moaning. Eventually, a voice comes, saying, “Granddaughter? Are you there?”
The granddaughter, wide-eyed responds, “Grandma? Is that you?”
“Yes granddaughter, it’s me.”
“It’s really you, Grandma?” the woman repeats.
“Yes, it’s really me, granddaughter.”
The woman pauses a moment, “Grandma, I have just one question for you.”
“Anything, my child.”
“When did you learn to speak English?”
Miracle Doctor
A new miracle doctor was in town. He could cure anything and anybody, and everyone was amazed with what he can do except for Tom, the town’s grouch.
So Tom went to this ‘Miracle Doctor’ to prove that he wasn’t so miraculous.
He goes and tells the doctor, “Hey, doc, I have lost my sense of taste. I can’t taste nothing, so what are you going to do?”
The doctor scratches his head and mumbles to himself a little, then tell Tom, “What you need is jar number 43.”
“Jar number 43?”, Tom wonders.
So the doctor leaves and after five minutes brings a jar and tells Tom to taste it.
He tastes it and immediately spits it out, “This is Shit!” he yells.
“I just restored your sense of taste Tom,” says the doctor.
So Tom goes home very mad.
One month later,
Tom goes back to the doctor along with a new problem, “Doc,” he starts, “I can’t remember!
“Thinking he got the doctor, the doctor scratches his head and mumbles to himself a little. Then tells Tom, “What you need is jar number 43…”
Before the doctor finished his sentence, Tom fled the office.
Gold Watch
A judge was instructing the jury that because a witness changed his statement after giving it to the police, he should not necessarily be regarded as untruthful.
“For example,” the Judge said, “when I entered my chambers today, I was certain that I had my gold watch in my pocket. Then I remembered that I had left it on my nightstand in my bedroom.”
When the Judge arrived home that evening, his wife asked, “Why so much urgency for your watch? Don’t you think sending three men to pick it up for you was a bit extreme?”
“What?” exclaimed the Judge. “I didn’t send anyone for my watch, let alone three people. What did you do?”
“I gave it to the first one,” replied his wife, “he knew exactly where it was.”
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Broken Arm
Two doctors were discussing a case in a mental ward. The first doctor asked what had triggered such a profound depressive psychosis in the patient.
The second one answered, “He’s a lawyer. One day at home, he started to think about how much money he’d screwed his partners and clients out of over the last few years. He laughed so hard he defecated in his pants. When he smelled the foul odour he had created, he checked for the source. Finding his trousers full of the stuff, he thought he was leaking. This caused him to go into shock and faint. When he woke up, he found he had fallen on his arm, breaking it.
“The first doctor asked, “He went mad because he broke an arm?
“The second medic answered, “No, he went mad because he couldn’t figure out how to sue himself!”
Diaper Change
A first-time father takes his baby to the doctor. “Doc, I can`t figure out what`s wrong with him. He doesn`t stop crying.”
It only takes the doctor a second to see what is wrong. “Here’s your problem,” says the doctor. “This baby’s in serious need of a diaper change.”
Looking baffled, the man replies, “But the package says it’s good for eight to 10 pounds!”